We are Büt Camp


Büt Camp, Inc. strives to help provide shelter and privacy to those in any emergency using simple, easily dispensed, highly mobile, inflatable cornstarch-based tents stored in a waist bag (fanny pack) or a similar small vessel.

We envision the Büt Camp biodegradable cornstarch-based polylactic acid (PLA)¹ shelters being available in every first responder, search and rescue, Red Cross, and emergency preppers arsenal for helping to treat those in need of immediate protection from the elements.

Our Goal

Out of the prototype stage, with several patents pending, our end goal is to make the Büt Camp tent synonymous with a small comfort during a stressful time. We are pushing to move from a local market into larger regional areas within the following year.

We plan to grow the emergency shelter business through investment into a national offering. Then we plan to expand our product line into 3D printed camping and survival products such as utensils, multi-tools, and first aid kit supplies, with an eventual goal of offering 3D schematics via direct-to-consumer sales.

Meet the Team

Rob Barrowclift

Rob Barrowclift

Meet Rob! Our lead web developer and financial pro, Rob is essential to our success. Just look at that rampant enthusiasm!

Rob is an IT Generalist. If it plugs in, works on a computer, or traverses the internet he’s likely worked on it. Rob resides in Richmond, VA with wife and rescue animals.

For the last six years Rob has been an IT, Business Planning, and Graphics Design Consultant in RVA. He enjoys helping small businesses reach their potential while saving money and planning for the future.

Alex Kinnaman

Alex Kinnaman

This is Alex! Alex is the PLA expert and designs many of our products and has a passion for preservation. She is also an expert in digital preservation and ensures our research and impact last far longer than our biodegradable products!

Alex’s background is in Library and Information Sciences with a special focus on digital preservation. She currently serves as the Digital Preservation Coordinator at Virginia Tech, specializing in the digital preservation of research data, institutional repository material, and research into methods for preserving complex digital objects.

Preservation as a concept applies to all fields. For Büt Camp, Inc., she serves as the primary point of research, sustainability, and data management by liaising with our data trust.

Pat Bonipally

Pat Bonipally

And this is Pat! Pat is the resident Scrum Master and leader of all things planning. We would be a mess without him!

Pat currently serves as the Associate Vice President at The Carlyle Group. After 11 years with the company, Pat is an experienced Technical Lead and Project Manager and an expert in Agile and technology management.

At Büt Camp, Inc., Pat manages the entire backend of technology planning, project development and implementation, business processes, and system architecture.

Quan Nguyen

Quan Nguyen

And here’s Quan! Quan enjoys cats, but not as much as his daughter.

For more than 20 years, he has worked as a network and system engineer, a software engineer for start-up companies, a non-profit organization and the federal government. Currently he is a senior software developer at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Quan is our computer engineer!


We are a Certified B Corporation registered in Virginia.

Büt Camp, Inc. has passed its B Certification exam with an overall score of 92.

Our four-member team shares an equal 22.5% Ownership with the remaining 10% to our advisors.

A near-future vision of 10-15 employees to assist with inventory, bookkeeping, sales, support and returns, and government liaison.


In addition to support from our Partners, featured below, BCI currently enlists two advisors.

Advisor Shakira Ross, E-Commerce Customer Success, and Digital Advertising

Shakira joined our small group of advisors. She is an independent, highly motivated professional with a proven track record. She assists with E-Commerce Marketing strategies to advise us on cost-effective social media partnerships, and to help enlist celebrity product influencers. She is currently on the boards of many successful startups such as Pinterest and Twitter.

Advisor Tony Pearson, Fundraising

Tony has been advising the But Camp team in establishing connections with venture capitalists, private high net worth investors in our company to raise funds for the company’s growth, and to build additional capabilities in distribution logistics.

In the future, we envision having a full advisory board to increase our partnerships with government entities, corporations, and international groups.

Partner: Compost Bag China

Partner: Compost Bag China

Website: https://compostbagchina.com

Location: Shandong Province, China

Compost Bag China (CBC) is our manufacturer and expert in PLA film.

CBC creates several sheets of PLA film. The top of which is two sheets heat-stamped together in a pattern to create an air channel to allow for inflation of the tent.

A screen and floor are also produced with the same material. The floor is heat-sealed to the top portion of the tent, and the screen is kept separate until the customer constructs the field. The screen adheres to the tent’s opening via a mild tacky glue strip on one side of the opening and two ties on the other side. The ties are strips of PLA hardened to allow for tying and untying.

CBC requires payment upfront for order volumes of our size. And delivery is made after inspection via shipping container. Due to COVID-19, customs has been slower to receive shipments, but we don’t foresee significant delays in time to receipt, except in the months of January/February during the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Partner: ODM Group

Partner: ODM Group

Website: https://www.odm-pro.com

Location: 4A Hung Chu Bldg, Jida Jiuzhou Avenue Zhuhai 519015, China

Quality Control is performed by our Chinese Manufacturer Liaison ODM Group as part of our contract with them.

ODM works directly with the manufacturer to hold to ISO Standards1 and ASTM Standards2 for durability, functionality as a tent, and biodegradability of the PLA film and finished product.

ODM Group is our direct contact for:

  • Representative office in Zhuhai
  • Product sourcing
  • QC reporting
A new alternative for temporary shelter

A new alternative for temporary shelter

from $11.99


Have any questions?
Contact us.

357 Fannypack Dr. Blacksburg, VA 24061


On the map